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Meditation recordings by Janet Wright - Free to Download
You can download these audio meditation recordings- for free! I made these in late 2013 & 2014, which to me feels like several lifetimes ago! I include them on my site because they are timeless and some people still really like them. If you want more recent content - walk through videos of various lengths, and current group energy healing live streams, that's all on YouTube on my YouTube channel.
The first 9 on this page are shorter guided meditations, 12-26min in length. It's three different meditations with background sound options- no background, or rainforest birds background, or calming ocean waves background. A few years ago I made Peace Now with no background sounds into a video on YouTube with a few photos. Search janet wright peace now to find it on YouTube.
Then there are 3 different mini webinars, with walkthrough plus interaction with individual attendees.
The bottom 12 on this page are longer, the 12 meditation energy healing webinars created January through June 2014. There is a lot of teaching & technique practice in the webinars, with an upbeat tone and attendee Q & A. They are each at least 1hr long.
Feel free to download these to your computer. Then transfer them to your smartphone and use them anytime anywhere!
- To download RIGHT CLICK on the file
- then choose SAVE AS or SAVE LINK AS
- double check the destination on your computer
- click the SAVE button
If you have a
mac laptop or
mac mouse you may have to do control click, then choose save link as, in order to download/save to your computer.
Self Acceptance- Heal & Grow your self-acceptance now thru breathing, using hand chakras to heal your 4th (heart) chakra, colors of grounding, gold bottle brush technique, angels, affirmations. Recorded Nov 2014. 16min
Self Acceptance- see above description. Rainforest BIRD sounds added. 16min
Self Acceptance- see above description. OCEAN wave sounds added. 16min
Start or Continue a Project, Get Unstuck in 12min. Good for work break. Private recording released Oct 2014. 12min
Start or Continue a Project- see description above. Rainforest BIRD sounds added. 12min
Start or Continue a Project- see above description. OCEAN wave sounds added. 12min
Peace Now: Nurture & Grow your inner peace for 12 min- meditation using thought, intention, body awareness, healing energy, grounding, affirmations, and angels. Recording created Nov 2014. 12min
Peace Now-see above description. Rainforest BIRD sounds added. 12min
Peace Now- see above description. OCEAN wave sounds added. 12min
12/4/13 mini webinar: grounding, body awareness, aura, chakras 5, 4, & 7. 24min
12/7/13 mini webinar: 4th (heart) chakra & 4th layer of aura, grounding, earth energy, distractions. 20min
12/30/13 mini webinar: Akashic records, coming into your body, grounding, letting go of past, 5th chakra (communications, inner voice). 26min
Hearing Your Angels, Self-Love, Peace of Mind. 1hr 15min
Focus, Being Present, Sleeping Well. 1hr 18min
Feedback Webinar: Healing & Clearing Chakras 4-7, Healing Feet, Intuition & Confidence, Upgrading Abilities, etc. 1hr 4min
Deep Thought, Inner Reflective Space, Communication w/Self & Others; Flow between Eternal Self, Conscious Mind, Subconscious Mind. 1hr 12min
Feedback Webinar: Colors of Grounding, Grounding 7th, Chords, Whacks, Clearing jumpiness/ADHD, reducing obsessive thoughts, Inspiration, etc. 1hr 23min
Charisma & Kundalini, Reputation, First Impression, Kundalini self-healing walkthrough, healing from higher self. 1hr 19min
Feedback Webinar: Tuning Body & Spirit Vibration, Self-Nurturing, Receiving Good Karma Healing, Clearing Energy Blocks. 1hr 8min
Spring Cleaning PART 1: Clearing & Healing a Room or Home. Energy Clearing for bedroom, kitchen, closets, pipes, cabinets, whole home, yard, front/back door, etc. Considering roommates, spouses, neighbors, building owners, non-resident extended family, etc. 1hr 11min
Feedback Webinar: 5th chakra in-depth, Legs & Earth Energy, Gold Net Technique, Goals, Forgiveness, Sleep. 1hr 5min
Spring Cleaning PART 2 - Clutter, DO PART 1 FIRST, Deep Self-Healing to dramatically reduce clutter in your home, Piles, Physical Cleaning, Giving Away Objects. 1hr 8min
Feedback Webinar: Confidence, Courage, Love, Decisions, Recharging your own batteries, *Using your 4th chakra to heal your 7th and 1st chakras.* That last part is towards the end so don't miss it even if you have to listen to the recordings on various days bit by bit, or of course half listen over breakfast or lunch or folding laundry. 1hr 5min
Creativity & Inspiration, tiered to-do lists, accepting gradual evolvement, visualizing your spirit on your spiritual path, 4th chakra clearing, removing energy chords with gold wax technique, gold bottle brush technique, gold suns. 1hr 7min