Group energy healing spots are obtained by purchasing on my session payment page when they are available. They go up on the 15th of each month at or just after noon PDT / 2pm CDT / 3pm EDT, and often sell out within 30min-3hrs. You can see the themes posted in advance on that session payment page. Keep in mind that each group healing is very thorough and designed to benefit anyone. The foundational healing is about 60-70% of the healing- things like chakra repair, aura repair, grounding and aura unblocking, etc. The theme related part of the healing can also benefit everyone and is about 30-40% of the healing. Each healing features a lot of cool healing not implied in the theme. So basically, don't obsess on which group healing is best. Just use your intuition and go for it! :-)
Individual sessions - I no longer do them. I explain in more detail on the home page.
My email:
If you are a new client that has just bought a session please email me to introduce yourself! :-) I'd LOVE to know how you found me, where you live- country / time zone. Also if you bought for someone else please let me know who they are to you, their first and last name, and their age if they are a child. Let me know if the person is a conscious or telepathic/spirit consent participant. For example if you got a triplet group healing for your wonderful husband, child, or parent who needs it but is not consciously open to it and won't know consciously, then let me know and I'll just ask his spirit if it's OK. Also please note that if you are new and buy a session, unless you email me first, the only email address I'll have to contact you is your paypal email. If that email is not the best for timely communication, please email to let me know. :-)
Please take your time reading this website to make sure that my specialty fits your needs and you understand what each session is.
I no longer publish my cell phone number, since all my work commutation is done by email.